When I Needed A Hand, I Found Your Paw.
— Anno
Hello, my name is Sintra. I was born on August 28th, 2014 in the Netherlands, and I was called Tijgertje (= “Little Tiger“). Momma renamed me after the most beautiful town in Portugal, Sintra. I am an adorable, toilet-trained ginger cat — Momma always says that I am the cutest, smartest cat on the planet. I love food (A LOT OF THEM), strolling, traveling, and cycling with Momma.
A few years ago, I was an abandoned, stray kitten wandering the streets without my cat’s mom when someone found and brought me to our local animal shelter. I stayed with my foster family for a few weeks until I was ready to adopt a human. Living with my foster family was great but I was looking for my forever-loving family with everlasting TLCs and lots and lots of treats.

On November 25th, 2014 I adopted a human called Momma a.k.a. Human, but some of you may remember her as Lia Belle, the blogger behind liabelle.me. I have also had 3 fake goldfish, named Chiky, Chika, and Chiko. FYI, I had some real goldfish but they died, and Momma replaced them with some fake ones — made of silicone. Who cares? They all look alike.
Momma often calls me, “Mama’s Boy” but I am not. I just love to cuddle and snuggle with her as often as possible. She has, however, a lot to learn about being my Human, and it is my job to make sure that she keeps on learning. After all, it is her only obligation and prerogative in life, right? 🙂 But, enough about her, and let’s continue talking about me.
In addition to teaching Momma how to serve me properly, my daily activities include eating, meowing for treats, playing, napping, pooping, cuddling, snuggling, following Momma, being naughty, hunting for bugs, fighting with my stuffed besties, Snoopy and Rusty.
Momma and I have also quite a lot of neighbors like — not so cute — kitties, ugly-looking dogs, and other (weird) creatures. Somehow Momma finds them sweet and cute too, but I am still and will always be her sweetest and cutest cat of all!!! She says so.

Sintra’s Favorite Reads
More to come …
Sintra’s Favorite Things
Please sit tight and enjoy my daily activities. Thank Meow …
Sintra (the Cat)
Lia Belle (the ghost blogger)