Fourth Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the big hole
One week has passed since my last toilet training update and I have been using the Litter Kwitter Toilet Training System’s … read meow
Sintra the Cat loves blogging about everything cats
One week has passed since my last toilet training update and I have been using the Litter Kwitter Toilet Training System’s … read meow
Have I told you that Human takes me outside in my own city backpack on regular basis? She does and … read meow
Human must have dreamt something really really scary last night because instead of saying “Good morning, my dearest Sintra. What would … read meow
As I mentioned in the previous blog post about my second week of toilet training, Momma was considering getting me another cat … read meow
It has been a while since Human brought me along to the Saturday’s market. So, I was looking forward to … read meow
On the first day I arrived at our my home, Human said that there’re house rules that I’ll have to … read meow