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Let me tell you straight forward. You cannot stop your cat or any cat from scratching your furniture or anything else in your house.
Scratching is a cat’s natural behavior thing. Cats simply cannot help themselves doing it. I can’t and human knows it.
So, instead of trying to stop or prevent me from scratching, she showed me to properly scratch on the scratching post on the very first day that I arrived at our house.
In fact, she repeats it every morning so I won’t forget.
She says: “Sintra, daar krabben!” (translation = “Sintra, scratch over there!”)
And I would jump to my scratching post and scratch!
It’s that easy. So, how to stop a cat from scratching? Buy a scratching post! It will cost you something but none of your furniture.
Besides, the scratching post makes me feel like napping. It means that I am too tired anyway to scratch something else.
The scratching post makes me seeing things that may or may not there. I know it’s creepy! But, at least I do not scratch human’s furniture.
Not intentionally! 🙂
Bonus tips from human:
Want to stop your cat from scratching your furniture? Order a scratching post on Amazon US, Amazon UK
or Amazon DE
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